Jumat, November 20, 2015

Sundown Festival 2015

Kyaaaaaaaaa, Sundown Festival 2015 will be comin' on saturday, finnaly it's already friday and i'll go to singapore this evening. But still didn't sleep till this time, how creepy i am haha.

Well, this concert is my first time to joining a big concert, i even dont care with the band who coming, i just wanna feel how the concert be like.
Very thankful for my bf that gimme this chance hahaha, honestly we got free ticket as J-Rock fans, yay! the ticket is so expensive, you can see on the e-flyer, the ticket is for 118 Dollar! 
Because it's to exciting, that why i am still wake up till this morning, i though i can sleep on the bus in melaka to singapore.


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